Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Well, another day in paradise - sunshine, blue sky and about 80F. A bit windy, but grit in your teeth can be a good thing! 

This morning we walked the beach with many of Janet's friends - Curtis, Pat, Lois, Nancy and Jan and Jeannie and saw my old boyfriend Jim, who says he's almost over me, and that he took the ring back to the store....when my sister says she walks the beach, she really chats her way through it and her nickname is "Chatty Kathy"...to many. 

So we say out at the pool for awhile, had sushi for dinner and a big salad for lunch and of course, concretes to finish off a perfect day. 

When walking the beach late this afternoon, we saw a crowd gathered watching a man fishing and he definitely had caught something. Turns out it was the fellow I was talking to this morning and so I walked out to see what he had and it was a small stingray. He said he would put it back in the water...but getting that hook out would be a little dicey. 

So, good night and will be back tomorrow with pictures - going to the dogs - literally. 

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