Monday, March 19, 2012

Homosassa Springs Wildlife Centre

Red Wolf


Ron and Are
We spent the day here
There are only 2 ways to get into this wildlife park (it's NOT a zoo) - be rescued or be confiscated...this organization helps heal injured wildlife and returns them to the wild if at all possible. They have everything from orange flamingoes (all birds that can fly are free to come and go) to manatees (sea cows) and alligators. So here are some great pictures of the wildlife. 

Manatee (this fellow is 10 feet long and weighs about 1000 lbs)

Louie the hippo

The Manatees have no natural enemies and are typically injured by  motor boats and they released 2 back to the wild last week. They also have red wolves (endangered species) american eagles, turtles, a black bear orphaned by his mom, Florida deer, and on and on. They have S N A K E S and other reptiles. 

American Eagles (both with wing injuries) 
Spoon billed ?

Orange Flamingoes

Having fun with friends 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like an amazing place!! And glad you survived the pre-birthday birthday ... food sounds yummy!! Luv Barb,
